Saturday, February 21, 2009


One of my poetic efforts:

When the world around me turns bleak,
And I cannot find the thing I seek;
My fate seems to be sealed and made,
I wish to myself I'd fade;
Leave behind this world of worries,
Full of falling leaves from wither'd trees;
A demon of darkness will take me home,
To eternal hell of fire and stone;
All my dreams come to naught,
Devoid of all will and thought;
I slither into the darkness like a snake,
Never to see the waking again.
 --> End
Why is it so dark and depressing? Cause I'm evil. I'm Mojo Jojo and my job is to make other people depressed. Ha ha ha! ( lame joke, i know)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lunar eclipse...(supposedly)

Last week, exactly on Monday, a buddy of mine invited me to watch the lunar eclipse through a proper telescope on top of the roof of the college building along with other members of the Astronomy Club. Being a space freak and all that, I was pretty excited. At 7.30 p.m, we all stood huddled around the telescope messing with the focus, viewfinder and trying to keep the telescope trained on the Moon slowly making its way across the sky. We wait, expecting a dark shadow of the Earth slowly eclipsing the Moon. An hour passes. No luck. I notice a slight darkening of the lower left part. A quick call to a professional astronomer reveals that it's a PENUMBRAL lunar eclipse.  Crazy astronomy club, waiting to see the *slight* darkening of the Moon when I could have done it with Photoshop. Lol.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ah! Finally created my own blog

Ok guys, gals and everyone in between, first of all I think the name of the blog merits an explanation.  Thinking up a name is tedious, tiring and ultimately frustruating if some genius (usually) has already dreamt up the same name. So I plagiarised. Big deal. So i love this song, especially the lyrics ;), Mambo No.5, from A Little Bit of Mambo by Lou Bega(for the ones who haven't listened to it (yet) LISTEN to it!).  But now hey, my conscience says "Dude, you're plain hopeless." I put on my thinking cap. I like this movie Austin Powers, where there's something called mojo, which he loses after sleeping with Ivanna *****lot. So how about "A little bit of Mojo" instead. Sounds creative, so i google it and get a couple of links. Not good. How about "A Little bit of Mojo Jojo"? Googled it, no direct matches, and I jump on it.

As for my screen name, my buddies used to call me that way back in 3rd grade cause while playing catch, I used to throw the ball straight up, so they can't catch it due to the glare from the Sun. Third graders aren't that bright, neither am I, hence the CFL ^ to light this up a little.